One step forward, two steps back, 8 steps forward — hunt for a new Partner

3 min readOct 4, 2017


As I was writing this article, VaynerMedia posted on their IG “One step forward, two steps back, 8 steps forward” and given how apt it was, here it is:

In April of this year (2017), I left Adland after 15 successful and character-building years to start my own technology company, My Vista. I left having worked in some of London’s best digital agencies, setting up an innovation hub for a large network agency in San Francisco but most recently as SVP, New Business, for Gary Vaynerchuk at VaynerMedia. It was the latter of course, however, who was the fire to set me on my journey from 0 to 1.

Although, Gary was the inspiration to leave the world I was most comfortable and had built my career, it was not just Gary that meant I wanted to take ‘my idea’ to the next level. Around the time I started working with him, I was introduced to someone (for the sake of this story) called Dave. Dave was introduced to me as he had a desire to leave his current employer (Salesforce) and work on something new and current. After just a short meeting, I realized Dave was the kind of guy I could see myself working with. He was passionate, very smart and had a very creative side to him.. However beside those 3 amazing traits, Dave also told me that he started his career in hospitality. In fact, he grew up in hotels and knew the inner working of hotels as if they were his own home. It was at that point, I realized I might just have the missing component to ‘my idea’ - CRM/CEM x Hospitality (It is important to note, that I had been working on the My Vista brand and vision etc and invested 6 figures into the ‘idea’ by this point).

Fast forward to March 2017, I pitched My Vista to Gary. Gary loves it, I leave VM, Gary invests in My Vista, I ask Dave to come on board, I bring on the CTO Ive been courting for a month or so and has come highly recommended, and My Vista Inc. was born April 2017.

My Vista is the future for how the service industries engage with their customers and deliver the experiences they deserve. To date, the customer has been neglected through automations and reliance on CRM. With Vista’s two-way interface, customers are able to curate their perfect profile of themselves to share with any service business on their terms. Businesses then receive a clear and actionable set of data, driven by proximity, which is geared towards the ultimate tailored experience for its customers.

Everyone has ideas but turning ideas into a business is a whole different story. I had worked hard behind the scenes on ‘My Vista’ and waited patiently till all the component parts came together and made sense, before moving forward. We are now 6 months in development of the platform, we have an amazing team based in London building out the product, the design and UX is beautiful and always recieves amazing commentary, we have top tier strategic partners lined up across our 5 launch verticals, we are scheduled to launch by end of 2017….

However! There is one problem… I’ve lost Dave! I need a new Dave. For reasons associated with ‘home’ life, Dave was unable to commit to Vista and I am now on the hunt for my perfect partner to help blow this up! and put it out to the world.

If you want to be Dave! and join this exciting venture…




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